391 research outputs found

    D2D Communications for Large-Scale Fog Platforms: Enabling Direct M2M Interactions

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    To many, fog computing is considered the next step beyond the current centralized cloud that will support the forthcoming Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. While IoT devices will still communicate with applications running in the cloud, localized fog clusters will appear with IoT devices communicating with application logic running on a proximate fog node. This will add proximity-based machine-to-machine (M2M) communications to standard cloud-computing traffic, and it calls for efficient mobility management for entire fog clusters and energy-efficient communication within them. In this context, long-term evolution-advanced (LTE-A) technology is expected to play a major role as a communication infrastructure that guarantees low deployment costs, native mobility support, and plug-and-play seamless configuration. We investigate the role of LTE-A in future large-scale IoT systems. In particular, we analyze how the recently standardized device-to-device (D2D) communication mode can be exploited to effectively enable direct M2M interactions within fog clusters, and we assess the expected benefits in terms of network resources and energy consumption. Moreover, we show how the fog-cluster architecture, and its localized-communication paradigm, can be leveraged to devise enhanced mobility management, building on what LTE-A already has to offer

    Joint Power Control and Structural Health Monitoring in Industry 4.0 Scenarios using Eclipse Arrowhead and Web of Things

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    The integration of legacy IoT ecosystems in Industry 4.0 scenarios requires human effort to adapt single devices. This process would highly benefit from features like device lookup, loose coupling and late binding. In this paper, we tackle the issue of integrating legacy monitoring systems and actuation systems in an industrial scenario, by looking into the Web of Things (WoT) as a communication standard and the Eclipse Arrowhead Framework (AHF) as a service orchestrator. More specifically, we propose a general architectural approach to enable closed-loop automation between the above mentioned legacy systems by leveraging the adaptation of the WoT to the AHF. Then, we develop a rule-based engine that enables the control of the actuation based on sensor values. Finally, we present a proof-of-concept use case where we integrate a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) scenario with a power control actuation subsystem using the developed component

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation (in Vitro and in Vivo) of Cyclic RGD Peptidomimetic - Paclitaxel Conjugates Targeting Integrin alphaVbeta3

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    A small library of integrin ligand - Paclitaxel conjugates 10-13 was synthesized with the aim of using the tumor-homing cyclo[DKP-RGD] peptidomimetics for site-directed delivery of the cytotoxic drug. All the Paclitaxel-RGD constructs 10-13 inhibited biotinylated vitronectin binding to the purified alphaVbeta3 integrin receptor at low nanomolar concentration and showed in vitro cytotoxic activity against a panel of human tumor cell lines similar to that of Paclitaxel. Among the cell lines, the cisplatin-resistant IGROV-1/Pt1 cells expressed high levels of integrin alphaVbeta3, making them attractive to be tested in in vivo models. Cyclo[DKP-f3-RGD]-PTX 11 displayed sufficient stability in physiological solution and in both human and murine plasma to be a good candidate for in vivo testing. In tumor-targeting experiments against the IGROV-1/Pt1 human ovarian carcinoma xenotransplanted in nude mice, compound 11 exhibited a superior activity than Paclitaxel, despite the lower (ca. half) molar dosage used

    Enhanced transport protocols

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    The book presents mechanisms, protocols, and system architectures to achieve end-to-end Quality-of-Service (QoS) over heterogeneous wired/wireless networks in the Internet. Particular focus is on measurement techniques, traffic engineering mechanisms and protocols, signalling protocols as well as transport protocol extensions to support fairness and QoS. It shows how those mechanisms and protocols can be combined into a comprehensive end-to-end QoS architecture to support QoS in the Internet over heterogeneous wired/wireless access networks. Finally, techniques for evaluation of QoS mechanisms such as simulation and emulation are presented. The book is aimed at graduate and post-graduate students in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering with focus in data communications and networking as well as for professionals working in this area

    Feedback and ionized gas outflows in four low-radio power AGN at <em>z</em> ∼ 0.15

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    \ua9 2024 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. An increasing number of observations and simulations suggests that low-power (&lt; 1044 erg s1) jets may be a significant channel of feedback produced by active galactic nuclei (AGN), but little is known about their actual effect on their host galaxies from the observational point of view. We targeted four luminous type 2 AGN hosting moderately powerful radio emission (∼1044 erg s1), two of which and possibly a third are associated with jets, with optical integral field spectroscopy observations from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to analyze the properties of their ionized gas as well as the properties and effects of ionized outflows. We combined these observations with Very Large Array (VLA) and e-MERLIN data to investigate the relations and interactions between the radio jets and host galaxies. We detected ionized outflows as traced by the fast bulk motion of the gas. The outflows extended over kiloparsec scales in the direction of the jet, when present. In the two sources with resolved radio jets, we detected a strong enhancement in the emission-line velocity dispersion (up to 1000 km s1) perpendicular to the direction of the radio jets. We also found a correlation between the mass and the energetics of this high-velocity dispersion gas and the radio power, which supports the idea that the radio emission may cause the enhanced turbulence. This phenomenon, which is now being observed in an increasing number of objects, might represent an important channel for AGN feedback on galaxie

    MOKA3D: An innovative approach to 3D gas kinematic modelling. I. Application to AGN ionized outflows

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    Studying the feedback process of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) requires characterising multiple kinematical components, such as rotating gas and stellar disks, outflows, inflows, and jets. To compare the observed properties with theoretical predictions of galaxy evolution and feedback models and to assess the mutual interaction and energy injection rate into the interstellar medium (ISM), one usually relies on simplified kinematic models. These models have several limitations, as they often do not take into account projection effects, beam smearing and the surface brightness distribution of the emitting medium. Here, we present MOKA3D, an innovative approach to model the 3D gas kinematics from integral field spectroscopy observations. In this first paper, we discuss its application to the case of AGN ionised outflows, whose observed clumpy emission and apparently irregular kinematics are only marginally accounted for by existing kinematical models. Unlike previous works, our model does not assume the surface brightness distribution of the gas, but exploits a novel procedure to derive it from the observations by reconstructing the 3D distribution of emitting clouds and providing accurate estimates of the spatially resolved outflow physical properties (e.g. mass rate, kinetic energy). As an example, we demonstrate the capabilities of our method by applying it to three nearby Seyfert-II galaxies observed with MUSE at the VLT and selected from the MAGNUM survey, showing that the complex kinematic features observed can be described by a conical outflow with a constant radial velocity field and a clumpy distribution of clouds.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    SDSS IV MaNGA: Metallicity and ionisation parameter in local star-forming galaxies from Bayesian fitting to photoionisation models

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    We measured gas-phase metallicity, ionisation parameter and dust extinction for 1795 representative local star-forming galaxies using integral field spectroscopy from the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. We self-consistently derive these quantities by comparing observed line fluxes with photoionisation models using a Bayesian framework. We also present the first comprehensive study of the [SIII]λλ\lambda\lambda9069,9532 nebular lines, which have long been predicted to be ideal tracers of the ionisation parameter. Unfortunately, we find that current photoionisation models substantially over-predict [SIII] lines intensity, while broadly reproducing other observed optical line ratios. We discuss how to nonetheless make use of the information provided by [SIII] lines by setting a prior on the ionisation parameter. Following this approach, we derive spatially-resolved maps and radial profiles of metallicity and ionisation parameter. The metallicity radial profiles are comparable with previous works, with metallicity declining toward the outer parts and a flattening in the central regions, in agreement with infall models of galaxy formation, that predict that spiral discs build up through accretion of material, which leads to an inside-out growth. On the other hand, ionisation parameter radial profiles are flat for low-mass galaxies, while their slope becomes positive as galaxy mass increases. However, the ionisation parameter maps we obtain are clumpy, especially for low-mass galaxies. Ionisation parameter is tightly correlated with the Hα\alpha equivalent width [EW(Hα\alpha)], following a nearly universal relation, which we attribute to the change of the spectral shape of ionising sources due to ageing of HII regions. We derive a positive correlation between ionisation parameter and metallicity at fixed EW(Hα\alpha), in disagreement with previous theoretical works expecting an anti-correlation.STFC and ER

    The WISSH QSOs project IX. Cold gas content and environment of luminous QSOs at z~2.4-4.7

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    Sources at the brightest end of QSO luminosity function during the peak epoch of star formation and black hole accretion (z~2-4, i.e. Cosmic noon) are privileged sites to study the feeding & feedback cycle of massive galaxies. We perform the first systematic study of cold gas properties in the most luminous QSOs, by characterising their host-galaxies and environment. We analyse ALMA, NOEMA and JVLA observations of FIR continuum, CO and [CII] emission lines in eight QSOs (LBol>3×1047L_{\rm Bol}>3\times10^{47} erg/s) from the WISSH sample at z~2.4-4.7. We report a 100% emission line detection rate and a 80% detection rate in continuum emission, and we find CO emission to be consistent with the steepest CO ladders observed so far. Sub-mm data reveal presence of (one or more) bright companion galaxies around 80% of WISSH QSOs, at projected distances of 6-130 kpc. We observe a variety of sizes for the molecular gas reservoirs (1.7-10 kpc), associated with rotating disks with disturbed kinematics. WISSH QSOs typically show lower CO luminosity and higher star formation efficiency than FIR matched, z~0-3 main-sequence galaxies, implying that, given the observed SFR ~170-1100 M⊙M_\odot/yr, molecular gas is converted into stars on <50 Myr. Most targets show extreme dynamical to black-hole mass ratios Mdyn/MBH∼3−10M_{\rm dyn}/M_{\rm BH}\sim3-10, two orders of magnitude smaller than local relations. The molecular gas fraction in WISSH hosts is lower by a factor of ~10-100 than in star forming galaxies with similar M∗M_*. WISSH QSOs undergo an intense growth phase of both the central SMBH and host-galaxy. They pinpoint high-density sites where giant galaxies assemble and mergers play a major role in the build-up of the final host-galaxy mass. The observed low molecular gas fraction and short depletion timescale are likely due to AGN feedback, as traced by fast AGN-driven ionised outflows in all our targets.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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